
Should Trump be Impeached? (Blog 8)

Trump has many flaws that could cause his fall. Like our classmate Aimee Williams said in her blog about Trump, he can be racist, sexist and disrespectful. President Trump is not a charismatic person, he is rude in all the possible ways. He has not only offended many women verbally he has undermined the whole country. Outside of the country many people see Trump as a crazy person. He was no qualities of a presidents and has on many occasions given false information. Like Williams said, Trump should be impeached for all his flaws. I have read several reports and even seen some on the new that he harassed and called women names. That alone should be enough not to qualify as president. The president is supposed to represent the people. The race for presidency has changed to race for power. President Donald trump had no career background in politics, and he now is president. How is he supposed to solve all the political problems having no knowledge of it. All his public mistakes and all t

Carol's Blog (blog 6)

In her blog post , Carol, talked about how unevenly money is distributed. She explains how the top one percent of the richest people have more money than the lower 90 percent of the people combined. The fact that the few have more than the rest, is mind boggling. The gap between the social classes should not be this open. Carol is correct, most of the rich people have money because their parents were rich and the money just keeps on being passed on from generation to generation leaving behind no opportunity for the average person. Since the distribution of money is so far apart, the poor are left behind. In oder for the poor to study or succeed they need money but how can they earn enough money if the minimum wage is so low. I too, like Carol, believe that one way to try and fix this problem is by raising the minimum wage to a reasonable amount. Not only would allow more money to enter the economy. It would create the rich people with big business spend more money and giving more to th


Taryn Luna wrote a blog about parenting problems in the Los Angeles Times blog. In Luna's blog, "California Assemblyman Joaquin Arambula says he was arrested after spanking his daughter," Luna talks about the events that occurred that day using quotes from Arambula's statement. Arambula was arrested on Monday on suspicion of cruelty to a child. This would be considered a misdemeanor under Californian law. Knowing his political line of work, this charge could ruin his career if he found guilty. Arambula's statement says that he does spank his children only when it comes necessary, but even then he claims he only does it at last resort. Arambula said that children when growing up can sometimes act out and it is important as a parent to educate and discipline their child. I too agree with Arambula's statement, a parent is responsible for disciplining their kids when they act out. If one does not discipline their kids they can grow and become irresponsible. The a

Another Government Issue

The government issue I would like to talk about today is the minimum wage. The federal minimum wage today is 7 dollars and 25 cents per hour. That is awfully low for a family. While this amount would barely if even enough for one adult. Working 40 hour weeks this would earn a person just over 15,000. For someone who has a family this is not enough for a living. Instead if the minimum wage is increased to something more reasonable, not only would it create more jobs but it would allow for the circulation of more money. People will be making more money, therefore they will also be spending more. That is pretty much how the economy works. The more someone has to spend. The more they will spend. Also the poverty level would decrease as well. The newly created jobs will allow people to become employed, and it will also make more people be over the line of poverty. And with more people over the line of poverty, the government has to spend less on welfare programs for the poor. The government

Government Issue

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, is trying to stop immigration in the US and Mexican border by building a massive wall diving the two. Trying to build this wall would be too expensive, and that would mean that taxes would increase for everyone. The United States already has a large debt, and building the wall would only add billions of dollars more. Also I think that America is constantly growing, and it needs more workers to do minimum wage jobs. Americans don't like working for the minimum wage, but immigrants come to the US to try to achieve the American dream and that is by working. Though it might not be the correct approach big business like the idea of having minimum wage workers. Another reason why building the wall is unnecessary is because many immigrants already come illegally to the United States. The wall would just be a waste of money as they will find other methods to access the country. People will not stop trying to achieve the American Dream becau
Over the past days people have been saying that a "new Cold War" has begun. In the article Trump May Revive the Cold War, But China Could Change the Dynamics by David E. Sanger, Sanger explains how in the past the United States have tried to change Vladimir Putin's view on nuclear weaponry in an attempt to prevent Putin from building more nuclear weapons. While there is not much evidence that Russia is still making more bombs, China has become a potential powerful force that didn't sign the treaty that prevented the super power nations from making more nuclear weapons. Sanger talks about how could this become a problem, and talks into more detail of how China is now a strong force. Reading this article will inform you on how a new Cold war could start.
Nicholas Bakalar wrote an article  about fast food for The New York Times . Americans are becoming less and less healthier as the years go on. Nicholas Bakalar is claming that at least one third of Americans patronize fast food restaurants on "any given day." He makes a good point when he says "the higher the income, the more likely they are to do so" because they can afford it more often than the ones that make less money. He states that 37 percent of adult Americans have fast food for a meal at some point of their day. While I do agree with Bakalar's argument I think that while it happens at s ome point during the day, I don't think it goes though the whole week. I think the problem is that they're just becoming lazy or they don't know how to cook to make their own lunch. I think that depending on the job people are more or less likely to get fast food. Also Bakalar says that women are more likely to snack on fast food, and men are more likel