Should Trump be Impeached? (Blog 8)

Trump has many flaws that could cause his fall. Like our classmate Aimee Williams said in her blog about Trump, he can be racist, sexist and disrespectful. President Trump is not a charismatic person, he is rude in all the possible ways. He has not only offended many women verbally he has undermined the whole country. Outside of the country many people see Trump as a crazy person. He was no qualities of a presidents and has on many occasions given false information. Like Williams said, Trump should be impeached for all his flaws. I have read several reports and even seen some on the new that he harassed and called women names. That alone should be enough not to qualify as president. The president is supposed to represent the people. The race for presidency has changed to race for power. President Donald trump had no career background in politics, and he now is president. How is he supposed to solve all the political problems having no knowledge of it. All his public mistakes and all the public tweets he post only ruins the country's reputation. Even everyone outside the country knows trump is not qualified for President.


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