
Taryn Luna wrote a blog about parenting problems in the Los Angeles Times blog. In Luna's blog, "California Assemblyman Joaquin Arambula says he was arrested after spanking his daughter," Luna talks about the events that occurred that day using quotes from Arambula's statement. Arambula was arrested on Monday on suspicion of cruelty to a child. This would be considered a misdemeanor under Californian law. Knowing his political line of work, this charge could ruin his career if he found guilty. Arambula's statement says that he does spank his children only when it comes necessary, but even then he claims he only does it at last resort. Arambula said that children when growing up can sometimes act out and it is important as a parent to educate and discipline their child. I too agree with Arambula's statement, a parent is responsible for disciplining their kids when they act out. If one does not discipline their kids they can grow and become irresponsible. The author, Luna, I believe also agree because he adds that under California law it is normally not illegal to spank a child unless its excessive or unjustified. Arambula was separated from his children and is not allowed to have custody of the children until the problem is resolved. What makes me agree more with Arambula were his words when asked about his political carrer. He instead of answering the question, he said he was more worried about getting his family back together. As of now no charges have been filed, but I do believe he was justified because it was not unjustified or excessive as no marks were seen on the child.  


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